Worked closely with stakeholders to understand the vision of the new platform and it’s requirements. Highlighted below are some of the key goals for the redesign:
Iteratively sunset existing software. Since the size of the application is so vast we needed to design the system in a way that both the legacy and new designs could exist at the same time. This allowed us to slowly rebuild the software a section at a time. Allowing the team to get to market faster and generate feedback so we could adapt and stay aligned with our users.
User needs ability to have multiple flows running concurrently. Users are not always able to complete a task without being interrupted so they require an ability to start multiples flows at once.
Accessible and expandable navigation. The new navigation needs to be global, combine and scale all products into one.
Customizable colours. From organization of assets, communication of tasks, to branding.
Primary tasks require global visibility. Users need visibility of upcoming tasks, appointments, and suggestions without leaving the page they are on.
Hit the grounding running. The development of the new framework was already started so we needed to quickly establish a design system and direction for the product.
Required to work across web, tablet, and mobile